11:45-12:30 AM – CONFERENCE
Host: Jean-Louis Le Corvoisier. Round tables.
Conference Space
Thierry Daugeron, SER – Professionnal Union of Renewable Energies l Jean-Michel Lopez, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, EMR- RÉGION BRETAGNE l Marlène Moutel, Commercial Engineer-SABELLA l Agnès Sabourin, Projects manager-ENGIE GREEN
Wind, tidal currents and swells provide France with a significant renewable energy potential, but to capture and convert these forces into electricity, manufacturers must design reliable, high-performance technologies to produce electricity at a competitive price. After several years of development and structuring, the national territory will soon have its first « industrial parks ».
Based on these experiences, how do industrialists and territories perceive the economic development of Marine Renewable Energies?
04:15-05:00 PM – CONFERENCE
Host: Jean-Louis Le Corvoisier. Round tables.
Conference Space
Lénaïg Weiler, Network Coordinator TYNEO-QUIMPER CORNOUAILLE DEVELOPPEMENT l Sébastien Legaud, Deputy Director Business Center – LA BANQUE POSTALE l Thierry Sakot, Operation manager Mail Service – LA POSTE l Julien Morizur, Development Manager-GROUPE SQUIBAN l Mathieu Bineau, Managing Director-VOLTALIS.
The building industry is the largest energy consumer. Therefore, the energy renovation of homes, the control of energy consumption in the tertiary sector and the optimization of agricultural and industrial equipment are key levers to achieve the carbon neutral objectives set at 2050.
20 mns presentations followed by questions-answers
10:00 AM - Workshop - Presentation of the citizen companies to produce renewable energies.
Amandine Loti, TARANIS Network.
Space Workshop 1
Renewable energy projects run by citizens or communities are gaining momentum throughout France. Brittany was a pioneering territory, and the Taranis Network, which brings together Breton project promoters, invites you to discover how its companies work, how to create them and the values they carry. The example of the regional company Kerwatt, will illustrate the subject.
10:00 AM - Workshop - Solutions and innovations for the energy transition of heated greenhouses.
Sandra Tochon and François Nepveu, CEA TECH
Space Workshop 2
In France, heated greenhouses are mainly used to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. For these two crops, 560 ha of heated greenhouses are located in the Brittany and Pays de la Loire regions, more than 50% of the French park. Improving the environmental footprint of heated greenhouses and reducing the massive use of fossil fuels for their heating needs, above 400kWh / m² / year, are major issues. To meet this challenge, CEA Tech is seeking to target the sector’s new innovation needs by working on the energy and biochemical balance sheets of greenhouse production.
10:30 AM - Workshop - How to manage energy at the community level ?
Pierre Pavin, Energy Manager Senior-ADVIZEO By SETEC
Space Workshop 1
Communities have an important role to play in the Energy Transition of territories. Energy management is one of the levers for achieving this transition. However, managing the energy of a housing stock that is as heterogeneous as the one of the communities is a real problem. The buildings are numerous and their typologies various (schools, administrative buildings, swimming pools, sports complexes, etc.), as many characteristics that should be mastered.
So, how to manage energy at the community level?
10:30 AM - Workshop - SAVEOL New Energies: at the service of the market gardeners energy transition.
Erwan Le Pemp, Head of Saveol NE and Carbogreen purchase manager (Saveol energy purchase)
Space Workshop 2
Today, consumers expect products with a low environmental footprint. Savéol Energies Nouvelles is a circle of energy players gathered around Savéol, the leading Breton cooperative in tomatoes production in France. It is intended to support green market gardeners in the energy transition (wood energy, photovoltaics, energy efficiency, methanisation …) while the mobilization of public aid and funding is becoming scarce.
5 mns presentations – Host Jean-Louis Le Corvoisier.
Space Workshop 1
CERVVAL : Modeling complex systems and decision support.
Lise Lorenzato, Business engineer
Cervval develops tools for solving complex systems and decision support. It presents its solutions in two areas of activity: Digital Twin (DigiTwin®) and Planning (Zurvan Planning®).
ALTEREA : A company committed to the energy, ecological and digital transition of buildings and territories.
Maxime Coudray, Market Manager Public Works.
ALTEREA accompanies you for the energy, ecological and digital transition of buildings and territories; intervenes from strategy-planning to performance monitoring, including design and implementation; proposes the Real Energy Performance Guarantee as project manager.
COOLROOF : White roofs to protect the watertightness, limit the air conditioning and improve the efficiency of the solar panels.
Antoine Horellou, Manager
In full sun the roofs rise to more than 80 ° C, using their waterproofness. CoolRoof France has developed an ecological white resin that reduces temperatures, air-conditioning consumption by 30 to 50%, the effects of heat islands, and extend the roofs life.
ENOGRID : Collective self-consumption: an opportunity for the Breton territory.
Benjamin Berthou, co-founder
Enogrid supports project managers and provides software solutions for collective self-consumption operations.
11:00 AM - Workshop - Brest Métropole: Structuring the local solar photovoltaic sector.
Sylvie Mingant-BREST METROPOLE l Jacques Monfort- SEM Energies en Finistère l Nathalie Péron-CMA 29 l Pascal Quénéa-QUENEA EnR.
Space Workshop 2
Investments are progressing on solar projects of all sizes, but there are few local photovoltaic professionals. The European RegEnergy project « Renewable Energy Regions » aims to develop renewable energies through urban-rural cooperation, and is an opportunity to support the emergence of a quality local sector by offering specific training, from 2020, to roofers and electricians; it will be run by Quénéa.
02:00 PM - Workshop - Collective self-consumption. What economic model for farmers and territories?
SDEF ; ENEDIS ; BELENN Engineering.
Conference space
In the framework of the APEPHA GA – Association of Farmers Producers of Photovoltaic.
Modalities for the implementation of a collective self-consumption project from a farm that would supply green electricity to close customers (businesses, individuals). What brakes to lift? interests for the territories?
1 / The different issues
– Cost of studies, administrative, legal and economic
– Evolution of the regulations (taxes, TURPE, scope of action …)
2 / Interests of the approach
– Local economy, short circuit, participative investment, innovation, no reinforcement and erasure of networks
3 / Example of concrete cases in Brittany
Typology of farms and hamlets at the end of the line.
02:00 PM - Workshop - KEMIWATT - EFICIA - LNE
5 mns presentations – Host Jean-Louis Le Corvoisier.
Space Workshop 1
KEMIWATT : Organic batteries for stationary energy storage.
Nicolas Monnot, Projects manager.
Innovative Redox Flow batteries using organic electrolytes. Many advantages: no risk of fire, no corrosion, no heavy metals, modular and scalable, recyclable electrolytes. 2 market segments: micro-grids and the integration of intermittent energy sources.
EFICIA : Sustainable development as a lever for profitability and performance.
Tony Beziers, Communication manager.
SD is a tool at the service of the company: 1 / Profitability: Operating costs reduction, especially energy costs. 2 / Performance: Cause and effect relationship between the comfort of building occupants and their creativity and productivity. EFICIA application case at these customers: 1 to 3% additional turnover.
LNE – National Laboratory of Metrology and Testing: Identify the luminous pollution of a territory by aerial mapping of outdoor lighting.
Yvric Saunders-Territories energy transition et Romain Chasseigne- Energy efficiency.
Beyond the reduction of lighting energy consumption, light pollution is becoming a major concern for communities. As part of the actions of their PCAET, the aerial mapping of the lighting of a territory makes it possible to draw up an inventory and to plan the actions aiming at reducing this pollution.
02:00 PM - Workshop - LIGER. A local circular loop in the service of reducing CO² emissions.
Grégoire Super, President of LIGER President, Mayor of Locminé l Marc Le Mercier, Manager LIGER, President of LIGER BioConcept.
Space Workshop 2
How can our organic waste become sustainable energy resources?
At Locminé in Morbihan, this question was clarified with the creation of a renewable energy center in 2011. The SEM LIGER produces 4 energies and 3 organic by-products by using a biomass boiler and an anaerobic digestion unit. This circular local economy is today a demonstrator of energy optimization reducing the carbon footprint of the territory. Grégoire SUPER, President of the SEM and Mayor of Locminé, will present the city’s involvement in the project. Marc LE MERCIER, General Manager at LIGER, will talk about the development of activities. Indeed, to duplicate the functional model of the SEM LIGER, SAS LIGER BioConcept was created in 2018. Its objective? Design and support circular projects committed to a low carbon economy. To cooperate to progress, here is the motto of LBC!
02:30 PM - Workshop - ATLANSUN. The strength of the network at the service of your solar projects.
Moran Guillermic l Emmanuelle Helsens – Atlansun
Workshop 1
Atlansun it is more than 120 professionals from the West, working on the entire values chain of solar energy. A human-sized network composed of individuals who know each other and collaborate to the emergence of concrete projects. A unique place between companies, communities, academics and associations.
02:30 PM - Workshop - A carbon footprint divided by 5 ! HGCT, low-carbon cement pioneer.
David Guglielmetti, Development manager-HGCT Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies.
Workshop 2
Hoffmann Green designs, produces and markets native decarbonised cements with a carbon footprint divided by 5 compared to traditional cement. Fully aware of the environmental emergency and the need to reconcile the building sector, cement manufacturing and the environment, the Group is at the origin of a technological breakthrough based on the modification of the cement composition and the creation of a cold and clean manufacturing process.
Hoffmann cements are manufactured on a first site 4.0, without furnace nor chimney, in Vendée.
02:40 PM - Workshop - Storage of electricity. What technology, what cost?
Laurent Meyer, ENTECH S-E l Nicolas Monnot, KEMIWATT ; BELENN Engineering
Conference space
Update on the storage of electricity for agricultural use. Technologies and price evolution in the short and medium term:
1 / Overview of applicable technologies
2 / Price evolution and economic model
3 / Interactions with the dimensioning of the photovoltaic generator
4 / Storage multi-variable uses at medium term.
03:00 PM - Workshop - Agricultural biomass valorization. Green energy by dry process.
In the framework of the APEPHA GA – Association of Farmers Producers of Photovoltaic.
Gwendal Vonk, Pyrogasification PhD-SDEF l Hubert Sabourin, BREIZH GREEN POWER l Cyril Terrien, NAODEN l Didier Le Goïc, HAFFNER ENERGY.
Conference space
- Energetic valorization of farm biomasses (crops by-products, intermediate crops, fragmented ramial wood …).
- Focus on the dry process by pyrogasification (electricity and heat production).
- Production of « green » hydrogen
03:00 PM - Workshop -Windpower, testimony of a pioneer and design of a project.
Jacky Aignel, Mayor of Le Mené l Anne Couetil , Regional deputy delegate-France Energie Eolienne.
Workshop 2
1rst part : Testimony of Jacky Aignel, elected of the Pays du Mené, pioneer of wind power in Brittany.
2nde partie : How to conceive a wind power project?
Presentation of the main steps: 1) Pre-feasibility analyzes (identification of favorable zones, connection capacities, first contacts with elected officials, farmers and landowners); 2) Design of the project (environmental, landscape and heritage expertise, acoustics, wind measurements, choice of equipment, impact studies, technical and financial capacity, .. and consultation of course); 3) Permissions.
03:30 PM - Workshop - EDF. Smart and connected territories. The vision and knowl-how of a group serving the citizens
Frederic Cosperec, Territorial Development Brittany Manager-EDF l Michel Henaff, Commercial Manager-CITEGESTION / CITELUM
Workshop 1
From the urban and rural territorial density to the management of the energy resource, from the climate challenge to the economic and societal challenge, the territories are confronted with the multiple challenges of the energy transition. Faced with the expectations of a more sustainable society, the concept of smart territory opens up a wide range of answers and solutions.
It is to support these emerging issues that EDF and its subsidiaries have developed responses around smart and connected territories. Dedicated to local authorities, social landlords and all economic actors as well as citizens, the EDF group’s solutions are part of a sustainable development strategy that is a great catalyst for accelerating energy transition.
03:30 PM - Workshop - WPD. Concertation as a tool for appropriating ENR projects.
Romain Coiffard, Wind Project Manager-WPD France l Antoine Monteillet, Offshore wind project manager-WPD France.
Workshop 2
While the Multiannual Energy Program should set ambitious targets for the development of renewable energies, their integration into the territories is proving to be a key success factor.
Engaged for almost 20 years, wpd strives to involve every player in the territory, and this, from the genesis of the project.
Wpd teams will present during this workshop, consultation tools put in place during the development of certain wind projects (land and sea), and how they have evolved to promote their acceptance and local integration.
05:10 PM - Workshop - Communities, companies of the territory, corporations, a collaboration at the service of the Energy Transition.
Roger Le Goff-Mayor of FOUESNANT l Henri Le Gallais, president-ENAG l Laurent Meyer-ENTECH SE l Frédéric Mescoff and Eric Laurent-ENEDIS.
Workshop 1
The realization of a Smart Grid on the island of Saint Nicolas des Glénan island is the result of a community and industrial partnership. This partnership was born thanks to a strong will of the city of Fouesnant and thanks to the commitment of industrial partners of the territory.
The cooperation between ENAG, ENEDIS and ENTECH was one of the keys to the success of this project and to meeting deadlines. In the end, it is a very beautiful common experience that was conducted in the service of a magnificent project of local energy transition.